
0 posts published in September 2017

Read, re-read, and read again

September 6, 2017

I took my very first journalism class, with actual article assignments, my second semester of Freshman year in college. I had moved from California to Boston only four months before and still couldn’t figure out how to get from campus to the Boston Common (I have no sense of direction.) Being in a newish city, being new to journalism, and not being a sports fan, I had a challenging experience writing an article about the Boston Red Sox. I believe the assignment was to go out and talk to five...

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Today's successful multitasker is simply an organized person

September 20, 2017

Multitasking is becoming one of those essential skills employers look for on a resume, but it’s a misleading term. While technically, it means doing more than one thing at the same time, what you’re really saying when you list multitasking as a skill is that you’re organized enough to keep track of more than one thing at the same time.

Nobody can really do two things at the exact same time and give each thing enough attention to do a superior job, but if you’re organized, you can manage more...

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