
0 posts published in July 2017

The soft skills of a successful professional

July 12, 2017

There are three key elements in my professional life that I credit for my continued success as a marketer and content creator. Not only do they help me do my job well, but they enhance my value when working with a team. This may sound like common sense, but you’d be surprised how hard these skills are for some to master. This is what works for me: time management, multitasking, and staying organized.

I figured most of this out while working from home over the last 11 years, as my titles...

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Why I’m a writer

July 26, 2017

I think it started early on, before spelling words correctly was something I was concerned about. I caught the writing bug. We had this assignment in school where we had to write and illustrate a book. I wrote about my cat running away (we found her a few days later.) I still have the book because it had a profound effect on me. I’m still writing to this day.

Personal narratives are the best place to start

Being a writer requires so much practice, so before you sit down to write the next...

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